
Daily counts of Haikubox song and call identifications

723+ Million Bird Recordings

Over 723 million bird song and call recordings have been made by Haikuboxes since 2021.

723+ Million Bird Recordings

Over 723 million bird song and call recordings have been made by Haikuboxes since 2021.

Osprey pair on nest

Bird Parenting

Bird parents sometimes share the responsibility for nest building, egg incubating, and chick feeding... but not always.

Bird Parenting

Bird parents sometimes share the responsibility for nest building, egg incubating, and chick feeding... but not always.

Hybrid Bird

Hybrid Bird

Song analysis of an unusual bird showed that while it looked more like a Rose-breasted Grosbeak, it sang like a Scarlet Tanager.

Hybrid Bird

Song analysis of an unusual bird showed that while it looked more like a Rose-breasted Grosbeak, it sang like a Scarlet Tanager.

Bugs for Birds

Bugs for Birds

Insectivorous birds rely on food pulses like the synchronized emergence of mayflies each summer; their declines may hurt birds.

Bugs for Birds

Insectivorous birds rely on food pulses like the synchronized emergence of mayflies each summer; their declines may hurt birds.

Anna's Hummingbird

Hummingbirds' Sideways Scooch

Research shows that hummingbirds zip through small holes by flying sideways while fluttering their wings.

Hummingbirds' Sideways Scooch

Research shows that hummingbirds zip through small holes by flying sideways while fluttering their wings.

Haikubox image

Endangered Species Day

Understanding your local environment and birds promotes an appreciation of the diversity all around you.

Endangered Species Day

Understanding your local environment and birds promotes an appreciation of the diversity all around you.