
Bird eating grasshopper

Standing Out in a Crowd

Birds adapt to noisy environments and competition from other birds in a variety of ways.

Standing Out in a Crowd

Birds adapt to noisy environments and competition from other birds in a variety of ways.

133 million birds identified by Haikuboxes in first half of 023

133 Million Strong

Haikuboxes identified over 133 million bird songs and calls so far in 2023. Read more about what we learned.

133 Million Strong

Haikuboxes identified over 133 million bird songs and calls so far in 2023. Read more about what we learned.

Image of shareable webview

Friends, Meet My Birds

Haikubox customers now have an easy way to share their bird feed (list of birds) with friends and family via a unique website.

Friends, Meet My Birds

Haikubox customers now have an easy way to share their bird feed (list of birds) with friends and family via a unique website.

Air Quality Index (AQI) map showing smoke plume on June 8, 2023.

Smoke Signals

Humans living in areas with wildfire smoke were advised to take safety precautions, but what about local wildlife? 

Smoke Signals

Humans living in areas with wildfire smoke were advised to take safety precautions, but what about local wildlife? 

Black-chinned Hummingbird

Haikubox Big Day Data

Haikuboxes participated in their own friendly birding competition on World Migratory Bird Day and collectively recorded the diversity (over 550 species) and abundance (almost 900,000 identifications) of birds.

Haikubox Big Day Data

Haikuboxes participated in their own friendly birding competition on World Migratory Bird Day and collectively recorded the diversity (over 550 species) and abundance (almost 900,000 identifications) of birds.

Dawn and dusk chorus of the American Robin as recorded by Haikubox

Spring Soundtrack

A recent review of the massive Haikubox acoustic database showed interesting differences between American Robin vocalizations at different locations.

Spring Soundtrack

A recent review of the massive Haikubox acoustic database showed interesting differences between American Robin vocalizations at different locations.