Baltimore Oriole

Living Bird: What Conservation Sounds Like

Living Bird Magazine (published by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology) picked up an online article by bioGraphic focused on Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM).  The article summarized the history of bioacoustics and outlined the potential of PAM to revolutionize scientific research and conservation efforts.

"One of the products of this revolution is a relatively cheap call-recognizing device called Haikubox... that provides identifications of the songs, chirps, and peeps of backyard birds."

The article noted that Holger Klinck, Director of the K. Lisa Yang Center for Conservation Bioacoustics at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, has one in his own garden.

"This past spring, while the data servers at his office dissected audio from all over the globe, the app on his phone chirped with the latest news from his backyard Haikubox.  The year's first Baltimore Oriole had shown up near his home in Ithaca. By this one mellifluous measure, spring had arrived."

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