Tennessee Warbler migration map

Migration Insights?

Haikubox data shared with the K. Lisa Yang Center for Conservation Bioacoustics (CCB) at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology will be analyzed in a variety of ways, resulting in academic articles submitted to peer-reviewed journals.

As Haikuboxes come online across the US and Canada (stay tuned for future expansion into other parts of the world), more data from more locations will build an impressive dataset that would otherwise be unattainable.

We wanted to see if there were any preliminary findings to be gleaned from the limited data collected during spring 2022 migration. A look at Haikubox identifications of three species hints at what the future may hold.

In late March, a Gulf Coast Florida Haikubox identified Hooded Warblers for just a few days, strongly suggesting that they were passing through during migration. Nearly a month later, on April 23 and 24, Hooded Warblers were identified by a Haikubox in western Virginia. Did the Hooded Warblers fly from Florida to Virginia during the month between identifications? Clearly, more data and deeper analysis are needed to know whether this indicates a Hooded Warblers’ migratory route.

Hooded Warbler migration spring 2022.jpg

A similar review in the midwest and western US provided other tantalizing data. One Indiana Haikubox identified Tennessee Warblers for a few days starting on May 9, with identifications of these warblers in Wisconsin and Michigan a few days later. On the west coast, Wilson’s Warblers were identified by an Oregon Haikubox in mid-May, and were later detected by a Washington Haikubox in late May.

Tennessee Warbler migration map

Wilsons Warbler migration spring 2022.jpg

With fall migration underway in many parts of North America, new species’ identifications and migratory patterns may emerge soon.

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