Black-chinned Hummingbird

Haikubox Big Day Data

Five most common bird species identified by Haikuboxes on May 13, 2023, World Migratory Bird Day: House Sparrow, House Finch, Northern Cardinal, Carolina Wren and American Robin.

Did you celebrate World Migratory Bird Day on May 13, 2023 by participating in a Global Big Day event or submitting an eBird checklist? Haikuboxes also participated in their own friendly birding competition.

Haikuboxes captured the diversity and abundance of birds by collecting data from 415 locations across North America. Collectively, they identified over 550 bird species and recorded almost 900,000 bird vocalizations. This included 50 warbler species identified by 332 Haikuboxes, nine hummingbird species at 227 Haikuboxes, and 11 hawk species at 307 Haikuboxes.

There were no surprises in the most abundant bird species: House Sparrow (150,000 identifications), House Finch (53,000 identifications), Northern Cardinal (45,000), Carolina Wren (39,000) and American Robin (35,000). Collectively they made up 36% of all birds identified by Haikuboxes on Global Big Day.

Haikuboxes also identified less common species and regional favorites, including 622 Evening Grosbeak identifications (37 sites), 84 Pinyon Jay identifications (2), 269 Black-chinned Hummingbird identifications (15), 738 Blackburnian Warbler identifications (40), 6,059 Red-winged Blackbirds (118), and 1,133 Western Tanager identifications (62).

Haikubox owners are able to download and analyze their own data, turning the Haikubox network into a powerful tool for community science.

See you next year!

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