Haikubox's exhibitin at FORGE meeting

Haikubox at Consumer Electronics Show (CES)

We are excited to participate in the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2024 to showcase Haikubox which offers a window into the fascinating world of birds right in one’s own backyard. 

Haikubox operates 24/7 and uses advanced audio recognition and AI analysis to detect bird songs and calls to identify bird visitors with remarkable precision. Haikubox is designed to alert users to exciting avian visitors, and strengthens their understanding of and connection to the natural world. Whether it's the rare song of a migratory bird or the familiar chirp of a local species, Haikubox ensures users don't miss a beat of nature's symphony.

This technology not only enhances users’ appreciation of nature but also contributes to community-fueled bird conservation efforts. By using Haikubox, individuals not only enjoy the beauty of birdsong and learn more about their birds, but also contribute to discovery of scientific insights and the potential impacts of climate change or extreme weather events on bird populations and behaviors. 

Haikubox harnesses the potential of a digitally connected world to bring people closer to nature. The system's intuitive design and user-friendly interface make it accessible to everyone, regardless of their tech-savviness. WIRED Magazine noted “It’s one of the rare pieces of technology that actually increases your connection to the world around you, rather than cutting you off.”

Haikubox's presence at CES 2024 marks an important step in bringing technology and nature together. The company encourages tech enthusiasts, nature and bird lovers, and anyone curious about the natural world to join Haikubox at this event and explore how Haikubox is enriching everyone’s understanding and appreciation of the environment.

At CES, Haikubox will be at Booth #60505 in the Venetian Expo, Level 1, Hall G (Eureka Park).

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