How Haikubox Works


To identify birds sing sound, Haikubox uses BirdNET for Haikubox*, a proprietary neural net trained on thousands of bird recordings. Haikubox listens 24/7 for every bird song and chirp, sharing sound recordings, spectrograms like the one above, and data to the Haikubox app (iPhone & Android) and website.


Haikubox owners see images of visiting birds, listen to their recorded songs, view spectrograms of each song, and learn when each vocalizing bird visits, offering clues about its migration and nesting patterns. The platform provides easy access to resources like eBird and All About Birds.


Every Haikubox owner becomes a community scientist within the
Haikubox network, contributing invaluable data to global bird behavior mapping and climate change studies through a collaboration with the K. Lisa Yang Center for Conservation Bioacoustics at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology.

Contact us with questions, concerns or ideas for new features at

*BirdNet for Haikubox: Copyrights @ 2021 by Cornell University. All Rights Reserved.