BirdWatching Magazine

Always Listening: BirdWatching Magazine

An early Haikubox customer (we call them Haikuligans) reviewed the product in the January/February issue of BirdWatching Magazine. “Think of it as a tool that will enhance your enjoyment of birding.”

The article’s author, Hans Johnson, is a birder and freelance writer who lives in Naples, Florida. “I never could get into simply listening to bird calls or studying sonograms, but with the Haikubox, I find myself learning both as I review and provide responses on ‘my’ files… My favorite feature is ‘new bird alerts.’ Turn this on, and the Haikubox will send a notification when it detects a bird….” He noted “I am so pleased that more birds than I ever imagined are finding refuge here. For example, the box has detected a nocturnal flight call from a Gray-cheeked Thrush, as well as songs and calls from Veery, Eastern Wood-Pewee, Red-eyed Vireo, and Yellow Warbler. I have the Haikubox to thank for that.”

Johnson also noted “The customer service is fantastic. I haven’t had any problems, but I have had a million questions, all of which the team at Haikubox have answered with patience and grace.”

You may be able to read the article here.

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